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website server website server start } bPause ="Pause") { songList.pause } The key to all this is the second parameter to JukeboxButton#initialize. If the last parameter in a method definition is prefixed with an ampersand (such as &action), Ruby looks for a code block whenever that method is called. That code block is converted to an object of class Proc and assigned to the parameter.

website server You can then treat the parameter as any other variable. In our example, we assigned it to the instance variable @action. When the callback method buttonPressed is invoked, we use the Proc#call method on that object to invoke the block. So what exactly do we have when we create a Proc object? The interesting thing is that it's more than just a chunk of code. Associated with a block (and hence a Proc object) is all the context in which the block was defined: the value ofself, and the methods, variables, and constants in scope.

website server Part of the magic of Ruby is that the block can still use all this original scope information even if the environment in which it was defined would otherwise have disappeared. In other languages, this facility is called a closure. Let's look at a contrived example. This example uses the method proc, which converts a block to a Proc object. def nTimes(aThing)   return proc { |n| aThing * n } end p1 = nTimes(23) p1.

website server call(3) » 69 » 92 p2 = nTimes("Hello ") » "Hello Hello Hello " The method nTimes returns a Proc object that references the method's parameter, aThing. Even though that parameter is out of scope by the time the block is called, the parameter remains accessible to the block. Web Hosting Tips for Webmasters - SEO One-Way Web Links: 5 Strategies Article printed from SiteProNews: http://www.

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