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webmaster service The rapid growth of Java has been nothing short of phenomenal, and shows no signs (yet!) of slowing down. In next month's column, I'll talk more about the heart of Java - the Java Virtual Machine. Web Hosting Tips for Webmasters - Java Virtual Machine Inside Java : The Java Virtual Machine By David Reilly Inside Java offers a glimpse behind the Java platform, and related technologies. This month, we examine the Java Virtual Machine, which allows Java code to be executed on a wide variety of hardware and software environments. At the heart of the Java platform lies the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM.
webmaster service Most programming languages compile source code directly into machine code, suitable for execution on a particular microprocessor architecture. The difference with Java is that it uses bytecode - a special type of machine code. Java bytecode executes on a special type of microprocessor. Strangely enough, there wasn't a hardware implementation of this microprocessor available when Java was first released. Instead, the processor architecture is emulated by what is known as a "virtual machine".
webmaster service This virtual machine is an emulation of a real Java processor - a machine within a machine (Figure One). The only difference is that the virtual machine isn't running on a CPU - it is being emulated on the CPU of the host machine. Figure One - JVM emulation run on a physical CPU The Java Virtual Machine is responsible for interpreting Java bytecode, and translating this into actions or operating system calls. For example, a request to establish a socket connection to a remote machine will involve an operating system call. Different operating systems handle sockets in different ways - but the programmer doesn't need to worry about such details.
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