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Since 1998, Alden Hosting is a provider of business-class Web hosting to small- and medium-sized businesses, providing professional, efficient, and reliable services. We provide everything you need to get your business on the Internet. We make it easy and affordable. Alden Hosting's feature-rich hosting plans and excellent 7 days a week toll-free customer support empower you to efficiently build a Web business that will grow with your changing needs.

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low cost private jsp web hosting low cost private jsp web hosting Although you can do this using conventional code, there's an argument for making the file responsible for closing itself. We can do this with blocks. A naive implementation (ignoring error handling) might look something like the following. class File   def File.openAndProcess(*args)     f = File.

low cost private jsp web hosting open(*args)    yield f     f.close()   end end File.openAndProcess("testfile", "r") do |aFile|   print while aFile.gets end produces: This is line one This is line two This is line three And so on..

low cost private jsp web hosting . This small example illustrates a number of techniques. The openAndProcess method is a class method---it may be called independent of any particular File object. We want it to take the same arguments as the conventional File.open method, but we don't really care what those arguments are.

low cost private jsp web hosting Instead, we specified the arguments as *args, meaning ``collect the actual parameters passed to the method into an array.'' We then call File.open, passing it *args as a parameter. This expands the array back into individual parameters. The net result is that openAndProcess transparently passes whatever parameters it received to File.

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