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cheap java servlet cheap java servlet Depending on how large a window you give your applet, you will probably only see about six to twelve iterations before we need to start working with fractional pixels.Flying LinesThe next example is harder to describe than it is to code. Like Mondrian it runs in an infinite loop but it's a little more than random images. Compile the following code, run it and then look over the code to see if you can understand the algorithm.//Bounce lines around in a boximport java.

cheap java servlet applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class FlyingLines extends Applet { int NUM_LINES = 25; int gDeltaTop=3, gDeltaBottom=3; int gDeltaLeft=2, gDeltaRight=6; int AppletWidth, AppletHeight; int gLines[][] = new int[NUM_LINES][4]; public void init() { AppletWidth = size().width; AppletHeight = size().

cheap java servlet height; } public void start() { gLines[0][0] = Randomize(AppletWidth); gLines[0][1] = Randomize(AppletHeight); gLines[0][2] = Randomize(AppletWidth); gLines[0][3] = Randomize(AppletHeight); for (int i=1; i < NUM_LINES; i++ ) { LineCopy(i, i-1); RecalcLine(i); } repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics g) { while (true) { for (int i=NUM_LINES - 1; i > 0; i--) { LineCopy(i, i-1); } RecalcLine(0); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(gLines[0][0], gLines[0][1], gLines[0][2], gLines[0][3]); g.setColor(getBackground()); g.

cheap java servlet drawLine(gLines[NUM_LINES-1][0], gLines[NUM_LINES-1][1], gLines[NUM_LINES-1][2], gLines[NUM_LINES-1][3]); } } private void LineCopy (int to, int from) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gLines[to][i] = gLines[from][i]; } } public int Randomize( int range ) { double rawResult; rawResult = Math.random(); return (int) (rawResult * range); } private void RecalcLine( int i ) { gLines[i][1] += gDeltaTop; if ((gLines[i][1] < 0) || (gLines[i][1] > AppletHeight)) { gDeltaTop *= -1; gLines[i][1] += 2*gDeltaTop; } gLines[i][3] += gDeltaBottom; if ( (gLines[i][3] < 0) || (gLines[i][3] > AppletHeight) ) { gDeltaBottom *= -1; gLines[i][3] += 2*gDeltaBottom; } gLines[i][0] += gDeltaLeft; if ( (gLines[i][0] < 0) || (gLines[i][0] > AppletWidth) ) { gDeltaLeft *= -1; gLines[i][0] += 2*gDeltaLeft; } gLines[i][2] += gDeltaRight; if ( (gLines[i][2] < 0) || (gLines[i][2] > AppletWidth) ) { gDeltaRight *= -1; gLines[i][2] += 2*gDeltaRight; } } //RecalcLine ends here} // FlyingLines ends hereTaking Action: ThreadsDepending on your operating system and Java-enabled browser you may have noticed that the Mondrian and Flying Line programs tended to hog your CPU. On Windows NT HotJava stopped responding to my commands several thousand iterations into Mondrian, and I had to kill it from the Task List.The paint loops in both Mondrian and FlyingLines are ideal for a thread, a separate stream of execution that takes place simultaneously and independently of everything else that might be happening (like responding to the programmer's insistence to "Quit!, Damnit!"). Without threads an entire program can be held up by one CPU intensive task or, as in Flying Lines, one infinite loop, intentional or otherwise.

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