Since 1998, Alden Hosting is a provider of business-class Web hosting to small- and medium-sized businesses, providing professional, efficient, and reliable services. We provide everything you need to get your business on the Internet. We make it easy and affordable. Alden Hosting's feature-rich hosting plans and excellent 7 days a week toll-free customer support empower you to efficiently build a Web business that will grow with your changing needs.
budget web hosting frontpage At the same time, there are tremendous efforts surging ahead to do what no Unix-type operating system ever succeeded in doing: making the operating system friendly enough for non-technical people to enjoy its benefits! The past year alone has seen the birth of a strong Windows-95ish desktop system, based on the open standard of X Windows. It has also witnessed the development of even more easy-to-use and easy-to-administer front-ends that effectively harness the power of Unix. Linux is designed to POSIX specifications (and at least one distributor has gone through POSIX certification). Linux is multiplatform (Alpha, Intel, Sparc, Macintosh, PowerPC, MIPS, and more!). Linux is multiuser and multitasking.
budget web hosting frontpage Linux is built on open standards, like X Windows and a full-blown TCP/IP implementation. The Linux kernel and all standard utilities are distributed with full source code. Linux even sports a healthy DOS emulator, a Windows emulator (in development), NetWare support, Lan Manager support, and DECnet support is in the works. Languages such as GNU C/C++, GNU Fortran, Pascal, Perl, and Tcl/Tk are included for free as well. The Apache Web Server -- the most popular Web server in the world, hosting over 50% of Internet sites worldwide (Netcraft Web Server Survey, January 1998) -- is a standard feature.
budget web hosting frontpage Linux is lowering the cost of operating both the desktop and the server compared to both traditional Unix implementations and the current Microsoft operating systems. By combining the power of a Unix server and a snazzy user desktop, Linux can match most of the serving abilities of Windows NT while carrying a software pricetag below that of a traditional DOS/Windows PC! Software vendors, assisted by such companies as Caldera (birthed by Ray Noorda after leaving Novell), are beginning to port software to Linux. Netscape Navigator, Netscape Fastrack Server, WordPerfect, Software AG's Adabas-D, the StarOffice Product Suite, and the Applixware Product Suite are all available, with many more on the way including a number of the Corel products. Informix has announced that it is examining the porting of its database products to Linux. Linux vendors such as Caldera and Red Hat are now offering traditional product support services that corporations require.
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