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affordable private java private java affordable private java private java Character classes consist of [:, a keyword denoting the class, and :]. The character classes defined by the POSIX standard are: [:alnum:] Alphanumeric characters. [:alpha:] Alphabetic characters. [:blank:] Space or tab characters. [:cntrl:] Control characters.

affordable private java private java [:digit:] Numeric characters. [:graph:] Characters that are both printable and visible. (A space is printable, but not visible, while an a is both.) [:xdigit:] Characters that are hexadecimal digits. For example, before the POSIX standard, to match alphanu- meric characters, you would have had to write /[A-Za-z0-9]/.

affordable private java private java If your character set had other alphabetic characters in it, this would not match them, and if your character set collated differently from ASCII, this might not even match the ASCII alphanumeric characters. With the POSIX character classes, you can write /[[:alnum:]]/, and this matches the alphabetic and numeric characters in your character set. Two additional special sequences can appear in character lists. These apply to non-ASCII character sets, which can have single symbols (called collating elements) that are represented with more than one character, as well as sev- eral characters that are equivalent for collating, or sorting, purposes. (E.

affordable private java private java g., in French, a plain "e" and a grave-accented e` are equivalent.) Collating Symbols A collating symbol is a multi-character collating element enclosed in [. and .].

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